The Canadian Merchant Marine, along with its’ roughly 4000 seafaring jobs, will disappear because Canada’s’ maritime Cabotage laws will be altered in order to permit CETA to be enacted.

Canada?s? Merchant Marine will be devastated within a few years and entirely disappear within 5-10 years of CETAs? implementation, as well as see the 5000 seafaring jobs, on Canada?s? 180 vessels of over 1000 tons, disappear. With a few strokes of a pen, C.E.T.A. will achieve the complete destruction of the Canadian Merchant Marine. For a look at how CETA may affect the Canadian Merchant Marine and its’ sailors, read the press release here. (French Version).



Marc is a a sailor of 40 years experience on tankers,cargo ships and bulk carriers who has just completed 3 trips on the Annual Canadian Arctic Sea-Lift to resupply Canada’s Northern communities in Hudson Bay , from Nunavik to the High Arctic,which this year included stops in Eureka ( 80 degrees North Latitude) and Grise Fjord, Nunavut, during which the implications of C.E.T.A.s’ Maritime Transport Chapter for Canada’s Merchant Marine and sailors became apparent.

He would normally ship out on another vessel after the Sea-Lift and will do so as soon as C.E.T.A. is either:

Clarified to not endanger Canada’s Merchant Marine, sailors and Maritime Transport Industry;

Be changed to remove such dangers;

Withdrawn or Approved, in which case he will ship out while or if it still possible for Canadians to do so.

Marc est un matelot de 40 ans d’experience sur petroliers, cargos et vracquiers qui vient de completer 3 voyages sur le Sea-Lift Arctique Annuel Canadien pour ravitailler les communautes Nordiques de la Baie d’Hudson, depuis le Nunavik jusqu’au Haut-Arctique Canadien, avec des escales cette annee a Eureka ( 80 degres de Latitude Nord) et Grise Fjord au Nunavut, durant lequel le risque que representait le Chapitre de Transport Maritime du C.E.T.A. a la Marine Marchande Canadienne et ses marins devint apparent.

Normalement il travaillerait sur un autre bateau aussitot le Sea-Lift termine et y retournera une fois que le C.E.T.A.:

Soit demontre de ne porter aucun danger a la Marine Marchande Canadienne, a ses marins et a l’Industrie de Transport Maritime Canadienne;

Soit revise et modifie pour ne plus en porter;

Soit retire ou approuve, dans lequel cas il embarquera aussitot, tant ou s’il n’en soit encore possible pour un marin Canadien de le faire.